About The story of Creation 3 Nothingness, chaos, order and divine intelligence

By the different peoples of the world we can find very similar myths in an effort to explain the beginning, of everything from nothing, by a divine intelligence or a Source of life.

There may be many creation myths, but all face the same problem of the Nothingness, disorder and the order which came to exist next to the primeval chaos.

In all the creation myths man tries to tackle the same question or problem: where does everything come from of how does anything comes to life. In nearly all myths we also come to see how weak the position of man really is.He is nothing against nature, though he often thinks he can conquer nature. Every culture or group of peoples sought a way to explain the beginning of everything. Often they used personification of nature or the things we can see around us. That way we may find lots of myths using  personification of natural phenomena to truthful or hyperbolic accounts of historical events, to explanations of existing ritual. When looking at those ancient stories we see that whilst there was not much knowledge about science, people tried to find a reasonable way to understand and explain certain natural phenomena. Important for those stories was that they had to be easy to remember and fluent and not boring to tell. And they had to be in simple words young and old could understand and enjoy the storytelling.

People felt a need to have a story about the past of their people and about the coming into existence of their people. People also felt the need for an explanation of them being or existing and concerning the existence of good and evil. They saw the building up of things but also the destruction and sought for a declaration. Throughout the year people were also confronted with changes of temperature, winds and light.

Cultures throughout history have celebrated the various season changes. They created stories and festivities for the different occasions. All the time man sought to place himself as the centrepiece of universe. With their stories peoples provided the context for their role within the world. They looked at themselves and other people and tried to explain or describe their relationship to other human beings and to other created beings. But they also looked t the relationship of the mythic and natural forces that shaped them and influenced them and everything around them.

When looking at the many creation myths as well as other myths, like great deluge myths, we notice many similarities between them. You could say that mankind managed to create or tell several variations of the same tale, serving the interests of their respective populations.

What is important to notice is that many peoples went searching for a Great Being, that surpassed every other being and even was the origin of all the other beings. Some would call it a Parent, Father or Mother. For all of them it was (or is) very difficult to explain how something could come out of nothing.

Creation ex nihilo, or out of nothing, is also what is of interest for us, because that brings us to the point of our goal. People wondered were the power could come from to get things coming into being or into going. In several stories we may find that Creator Being to be a sole being. For believers in the Elohim prior to creation, we consider the Being to be alone. As there is no other being, existence, or even, presumably, time, many are convinced that no explanation can be given for the Creator’s existence. Several sages or myths run parallel with the stories of true followers of God. Their creator god has less differences with the creator god from for example the Trinitarian Christians, whose god the son as less qualities than their main god. Those trinitarians also believe there were three personalities or gods at the beginning of everything (a God the Father, a god the son and a god the Holy Spirit). The majority do not see that the Biblical writer Moshe looked with awe and reverence to the Most High Maker as a One Self-sufficient Omniscient Highest Being, and had Him speaking in the Pluralis Majestatis or Royal We. Many of them also do not seem to understand that the Words spoken by God were not a or more persons, but were the result of His breath coming out of Him and bringing forth sound, making it into something we understand in the form of words. It was the Word of God, it is by His speaking that everything came into being.  For that reason the Biblical writer Moshe writes every time

“And God spoke”


“As such, God said”

In many of the creation myths we find that they speak of a Source, a Source of life or a divine intelligence. In most cultures we can find that the people were conscious that there should be something special or a supernatural thing or being at the source or beginning of everything. The mythology accounts for natural phenomena, the weather, the stars and the moon, the fish of the sea, the birds of the forest, and the forests themselves. Much of the culturally institutional behaviour of the people finds its sanctions in myth. The Hebrew people also saw good and bad in an and sanctions for their wrong actions, but also promises and blessings for their good actions. By the many peoples we find also genealogies to appear in many versions, in which several symbolic themes constantly recur. This happens also by the Jehudi or Judaic people.

9 Worlds of Norse Mythology Creation Story, with Niflheim a land of ice and snow with streams and rivers that meet in the center and being the peace and order in the balance of chaos.

In many creation myths the creator deity is often envisioned as a sky god, or evokes symbolism reminiscent of such. They look at a “High God” Who is conceived as being utterly transcendent, removed from the world that He created. In a certain way one can say that several peoples of which trinitarians say that they are polytheists  their “High God” is much closer to our God than the Trinitarian Christians their god. Striking is that most creation myths look at a creator who is high in the sense that he lives in or is identified with the sky — hence, the alternative name. Among North American Indians and Central and South Africans, thunder is thought to be the voice of the High God. In Siberia the sun and moon are considered the High God’s eyes. He is connected with food and heaven among American Indians. By most of the peoples their creator god has similarities with man.

For the believer in the Only One True God, there could also be found certain characteristics in the divine creator being similar to man,this, because man is created in the image of God. The Scriptures gives mankind a pretty good view of the characteristics or attributes of God.
It are those ancient Hebrew Scriptures which bring the story of the beginning of everything and how everything developed. It is in those ancient scrolls that everything is made clear and where mankind can find explanation and guidance for life.

As in most creation myths the Torah tells about the seeking or the searching of man and talks about the conception, the growth, the feeling, the thought, the mind, the desire, the knowledge, the form, the quickening. Some, or all, of these themes may appear in the same genealogy and can be found all over the world in the different myths.

Whilst in many myths there come many blurs in the story, the story of the bible has only the unexplainable Unseen Divine Creator as the base of Creation. In fact “that”is the only dogma there existing in our faith. The difficult to explain “existence of God” is really the only point for which we do ask a person to come to believe, without we clearly would be able to give a ‘unbreakable’ or undeniable proof.



About The story of Creation 2 Genesis narrative

About The story of Creation 1 Existing cosmologies

From nothingness, except an eternal Being, the Ruach brought into being

Creator’s star connection between heaven and earth


Additional reading

  1. Means of creations
  2. Other stories about the beginning of times
  3. Of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something
  4. Creation of the earth out of something
  5. The Origin of Life on Earth: Creation or Evolution?
  6. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and movement
  7. Necessity of a revelation of creation 2 Organisation of a system of things
  8. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  9. Coming to the creation of human beings in the image of God
  10. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 1
  11. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 2
  12. The very very beginning 2 The Word and words
  13. Creation purpose and warranty
  14. Today’s thought “A Perfect World” (January 02)
  15. The 1st Adam in the Hebrew Scriptures #2 Beginning of mankind
  16. The 1st Adam in the Hebrew Scriptures #6 Curse and solution
  17. A Book to trust #3 Creation and Creator
  18. A Book to trust #4 Cause of Being and Truth
  19. A Book to trust #5 Words directed to create order
  20. A Book to trust #7 Heavenly Father not withholding knowledge
  21. A Book to trust #13 Books for education and adjustment


Related articles

  1. How to Start the Beginning: Cosmogonic Myths in World-Building
  2. Creation myths
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  4. Norse Mythology Creation Story
  5. The Sumerian Religion – Names of Life & Death ~ (111 Words)
  6. Nut: The Egyptian Sky Goddess
  7. Déélgééd
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  9. Punga
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  12. The Great Myths #3: A Kakadu Creation (Australian)
  13. The Game is Life
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  15. Genesis 1:1-2:3 All about How we Listen and How we Feel
  16. Creation – The greek point of view.
  17. Is there a God?
  18. Almighty God’s Word “God Is the Source of Man’s Life” | The Church of Almighty God
  19. The Recitation of Almighty God’s Word “God Is the Source of Man’s Life” (Excerpt, Stage Version)
  20. March 10, the source of life
  21. God’s Utterance “God Himself, the Unique X God Is the Source of Life for All Things (IV)” (Part Two) | The Church of Almighty God

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