Putin compares Israel actions to Nazi Germany


Daily Telegraph, October 13, 2023

Vladimir Putin on Friday compared Israel to Nazi Germany as he turned on old ally Benjamin Netanyahu. The Russian president said Israel’s blockade of Gaza ahead of an expected ground offensive against Hamas was “unacceptable”. Israel has been pounding Gaza with air strikes and artillery, with some 300,000 troops stationed on the border in anticipation for a ground operation. Putin said this was comparable to Nazi forces’ siege of Leningrad between September 1941 and January 1944, when at least 750,000 of the city’s civilians starved to death. The Russian leader’s comments are likely to strain tensions between Moscow and Israel, as the Middle Eastern nation responds to a surprise terrorist attack by Hamas that has killed at least 1,600 people.


As one article put it this week –

“There was only one real winner last Saturday when war broke out in Israel — Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

We don’t know yet how much Putin could have been behind the attacks on Israel by Hamas. We do know Iran would have been behind them and helped and supported them. We also know that Russia backs Iran and helps and supports them – especially since the Ukraine war. We also know that this war will definitely help Putin. As Steve Rosenberg wrote this week (BBC Russia correspondent)

“Moscow is counting on dramatic headlines from Israel to divert attention from Russia’s war in Ukraine. The Russian authorities are also hoping that, as a result of the situation in the Middle East, some Western arms supplies to Ukraine will be redirected to Israel.”

A conflict in the Middle East will stretch US forces which weakens them – which strengthens Putin. A war with Israel is in his interests right now. Gog rises up when rebels (Hamas?) are fully wicked….

Bible Quote

In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. (Daniel 8:23 NIV)

Rebels is often used in relation to Israel’s nearby enemies – Edom, Moab – they become completely wicked…

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton



50 Years after the Yom Kippur attack a new Hamas attack

Israel: Gunmen from Gaza kill at least 22 in major attack

Israeli Leaders Say ‘Now Is Time for War’ and Vow to Wipe Hamas ‘Off the Face of the Earth’


Additional reading

  1. Don’t provoke ‘thin-skinned’ Putin, says former Nato secretary general
  2. The decline in Israel-Russia ties
  3. Putin not able to spare the resources needed to defend Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian forces in Syria against a determined Israeli assault
  4. Frontpage for Wednesday 2023 October 18
  5. Putin says Russia’s mission is to create ‘new world’
  6. US/UK send navy ships and planes to support Israel