Conscience, seeing good and bad, having to face punishment for misdeeds

It is not about a Devil’s Delusion but about man's delusion and human escape from his own responsible choices.

Fog, brass and light for the eyes

After the wrong choice and action of the first human beings the elohim had no other choice than to bring over man the curse He had warned them for. But out of love for His creatures He also provided straight away a solution against the curse of death and gave man a second chance.

United flesh and knowingly actions

In the second and third chapter of the Bereshith (the book of the beginning) we find that God, Who had made man in His image, brought a helper for the ish or man so that they could live together in a bond of union, related to the other living beings and to the Most High Elohim, in a state we now call marriage.

Sources of evil

About the origin or source of evil there are many discussions. In this article I look at the time where badness entered in the world of man and where we have to look for the source of evil or badness.

Moment of getting knowledge and its consequence

Man knew that The Word of God brought life and order and got their mind wondering if they could not become as wise and mighty as God. The inner voice of man or the nachash is of self-esteem and brings deception when allowing oneself to be carried away by the temptation, falling into trickery, treachery,and insincerity.

Orders for the first human beings and Rebellion against their Maker

God made Himself a beautiful Royal Garden, the Gan Eden with in the midst of it a Etz HaDa'as Tov v'Rah or Tree of moral of which God asked man not to touch it nor eat from the fruit that gives knowledge about good and evil because they would then certainly die. But we come to see that the nachash (temptation) was to strong for the isha and she got her husband involved in her act of disobedience to the Elohim.