Creating a mikdash

We should try to make our house a dwelling place, a mikdash for God.

Yom HaShoah and International Holocaust Memorial Day

After January 27th, 1945, when the Soviet military liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complex, nobody could ignore what a horror had been taken place in Nazi camps. That liberation day is now taken as a day to remember the awful amount of people killed by the Nazis.

End of year special meals

Do you or your family make any special dishes for the holidays? Coming into December, for many, it is a month with special holidays. December is brimming with holidays and things to celebrate. I am thinking of Hanukkah 🕎, Sint Nicholas (saint Nicholas), Bodhi Day for the Buddhist friends, Festival of Yule, Christmas, Boxing Day, [...]

Called ones looking for the good land

You could say that based upon obedience or disobedience to the mitzvot we can be blessed or cursed. In any case, they are a guide to lead us to the land provided and promised by God.

Directions to the Called ones

A Jew would be hard-pressed to try to answer the question “what is God’s law” in a single morning’s service, but it is clear that we only may have One God above all gods, to Him, the God of Abraham belongs all worship.

Looking at or dreaming of that land of honey and milk

We should know that all land belongs to El ʿElyon and shall all be part of that Promised Land of Honey and Milk, when the paradise shall be restored.

In this time of darkness yearning for God’s presence

Right now, we are in a time of seeking, and there is good reason to yearn for the Qadosh Barukh Hu, El ʿElyon, thirsting for Jehovah the living God, to find our way through the darkness. Those who have tasted the Bore and got that personal relationship with Him, have found that nothing else can satisfy their souls but Him.

Though darkened by Russian strikes lights of hope

In the north of Europe shelling brings a lot of darkness, but these days our brethren and sisters from Ukraine, with us are all united in the commemoration of another war won by the grace of the El' Elyon.

A weekend for a celebration in a small circle with milky products

Since Shavuot is an ancient pilgrimage holiday, it is not surprising that its ritual focuses on the community. Nonetheless, there are a number of customs associated with personal practice. Chief among them is the eating of dairy products on Shavuot. Although the reasons for this custom are not completely clear, it has become traditional to eat milk and cheese products as part of the celebration of Shavuot.

The Man and mannin versus the One Who allows us to exist

By the Breath of God, His Words were formed. By His Words came everything into being, but only the man was blessed by the Breathing of God in his nostrils so that life came into him but also a special relationship was created.

Eight days of sprinkling lights

Tonight the eight days of extra dedication to haElohim started with the commemoration of the victory of the few whose desire for freedom to practice their religion impelled them to battle against great odds and which we should take as an example not to be afraid to show our faith to others..

If thousands of years and millions of testimonies about the workings of God are mere foolishness

For ages lots of people wrote about the Most High and about the creation of our universe. Many sought solutions in a series of gods and their adventures, others could find it was only One Eternal Being Who was the Source. Many researched how it could be that all those things came into being. Scientists [...]

Egypt, Moshe and Those who never felt they belonged there

Along the Nile River the river’s annual flooding ensured reliable, rich soil for growing crops. Having people cultivating the lands around this rich water made that in ancient North-eastern Africa the Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BCE (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh [...]