Nature of the Bore according the first books

The world shall have to recognise that there is a Source of beginning and life, or a divine Cause for everything. The divine Source is the only One Who can create out of nothing whilst man has always to use something which is already existing to come to a new creation.

About The story of Creation 3 Nothingness, chaos, order and divine intelligence

By the different peoples of the world we can find very similar myths in an effort to explain the beginning, of everything from nothing, by a divine intelligence or a Source of life.

The image, living beings and being accountable to God

A man and a woman created for each other, accountable to their Creator, in whose image they are made creative beings.

Created in the image of the Elohim to use their likeness properly

Created in the image of God man has 49 sefirot in him or a 49-step process of self-refinement, having received orders from his Maker Who expect to fit man in His holy Plan.