In this time of darkness yearning for God’s presence

Right now, we are in a time of seeking, and there is good reason to yearn for the Qadosh Barukh Hu, El ʿElyon, thirsting for Jehovah the living God, to find our way through the darkness. Those who have tasted the Bore and got that personal relationship with Him, have found that nothing else can satisfy their souls but Him.

Spring bringing new life to the earth and mankind

In these dark times of Covid-19 we have a remembrance day of coming light and a new world.

Tekufat Tevet – Darkness, gold moon and Light to look forward

This year we face an extra special solstice because it will be followed the next day by a full moon known as the Cold Moon, and you might be able to see a meteor shower to boot. For many the winter-holiday starting we think about the light in the darkness and having a nice family time.

About The story of Creation 4 State of things at the time when God first spoke

The narrative of the Biblical creation story is the idea of ordering that is the result of divine intent. It is a fundamental biblical teaching that the original, divinely ordained order in the physical world has its counterpart in the divinely ordained universal moral order to which the human race is subject.

Scattered, broken, thwarted reflection of God

Nature and everything in it was in a perfect natural peaceful balance. By the wrong choice made by the first human beings there came a crack in perfection and in the relationship between the Creator and other creatures.