Translating Truth

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Courtesy of Eight hundred years ago, Maimonides wrote to his translator, Rabbi Shmuel ibn Tibbon: “One who wishes to translate from one language to another by rendering each word literally and adhering to the original order of words and sentences . . . will end up with a translation that [...]

Purification and perfection

14 Nisan approaching , we can go over to look how two Biblical figures in the name of God have led people and now lead them to God's promised land.

Secularisation and Assignments given for all people

In Western Europe the last two decades we have seen lots of people leaving their church, but also doubting the essence of God. People should know that God gave His Word not to have a creation of institutions or churches, but to guide mankind so that they could be liberated from all sorts of chains.

Immanuel’s first two years of blogging on WordPress

Looking at my starting years at WordPress

….a powerful way to put the universe on notice….

Several people who feel Jewish blood in their veins are confronted with a rise in anti-Semitism. Facing that upcoming or growing danger there are also those who want to make permanent their belief in One God and faith in His only begotten son, rebbe Jeshua, whom they consider to be the long awaited Messiah.

They do know that it is high time to call others to join and to shout over the rooftops to become united under the guidance of the Biblical Truth showing the world where our path leads after this earthly life, so that at the same time we may become aware of why and for what purpose we are here on earth!


This world need people coming together to show their respect and to share brotherly love. at the same time we should not be afraid to proclaim Jehovah’s name and to show the world that God his Way is the best way to follow.



  1. Still
  2. Do You Have A Healthy Dose Of Hope?
  3. Psalm 37:4 Delight before Desire
  4. Live Your Dreams
  5. God’s Way Is Always Better
  6. The Magic of Desires



“Talking, praying, affirming your desires in or over water
is a powerful way to put the universe on notice
that you are in need.”

~ Iyanla Vanzant

Text & image credit: Iyanla Vanzant

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The way of looking at the Scriptures and the people in this world

At the European continent there are several descendants from saved Jews who either were brought up in another country and in an other religion by their war- or foster families, or could keep their faith but lost the knowledge of Hebrew. We also may find Jews who have found that Jeshua is the long awaited Messiah and are looking for a gathering of like-minded believers. Being myself also a reflection of time and surroundings I introduce here my aims and hopes and give an idea which bible translations I shall be using and which track I would like to be following.

Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 4 Words giving us wisdom and encouragement

With the Holy Scriptures we are given words that should have us to come to reflect on our own life and that of others, learning from the lessons given in that library of books. In the various books which make the Bible you may find the words written down by men of God by whom Jehovah put forth His hand, gave them to see and understand, and put His words in their mouth, setting them over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down and to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.

How to Read the Bible (sequel 5)

To have words come deeper in you, when you read them a next time, you also for studying the Bible best can make use of handy tools like Bible markers and Bible concordances.