….a powerful way to put the universe on notice….

Originally posted on Purplerays:
? ? “Talking, praying, affirming your desires in or over water is a powerful way to put the universe on notice that you are in need.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant ? ? ? ? Text & image credit: Iyanla Vanzant https://web.facebook.com/DrIyanlaVanzant/

Several people who feel Jewish blood in their veins are confronted with a rise in anti-Semitism. Facing that upcoming or growing danger there are also those who want to make permanent their belief in One God and faith in His only begotten son, rebbe Jeshua, whom they consider to be the long awaited Messiah.

They do know that it is high time to call others to join and to shout over the rooftops to become united under the guidance of the Biblical Truth showing the world where our path leads after this earthly life, so that at the same time we may become aware of why and for what purpose we are here on earth!


This world need people coming together to show their respect and to share brotherly love. at the same time we should not be afraid to proclaim Jehovah’s name and to show the world that God his Way is the best way to follow.



  1. Still
  2. Do You Have A Healthy Dose Of Hope?
  3. Psalm 37:4 Delight before Desire
  4. Live Your Dreams
  5. God’s Way Is Always Better
  6. The Magic of Desires



“Talking, praying, affirming your desires in or over water
is a powerful way to put the universe on notice
that you are in need.”

~ Iyanla Vanzant

Text & image credit: Iyanla Vanzant https://web.facebook.com/DrIyanlaVanzant/

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