Yom HaShoah and International Holocaust Memorial Day

After January 27th, 1945, when the Soviet military liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complex, nobody could ignore what a horror had been taken place in Nazi camps. That liberation day is now taken as a day to remember the awful amount of people killed by the Nazis.

Not everything looks so good of the Zionist movement

“The land flowing with milk and honey” is a favorite poetic description of Eretz Yisrael in the Torah. It is less known that Chazal in several places understand this phrase as not referring to all of the land, but rather to specific parts of it. After the second world war, there were organisations and governments that loved to see all Jews away from their regions and forced entire congregations of the Children of Israel to assemble at Jerusalem.

Deal or no deal

The League of Nations, which placed Palestine under British mandate reflected a heady mixture of religious and imperial motivations that Britain would find difficult to reconcile in the troubled years ahead. Palestinian Arabs, desiring political autonomy and resenting the continued Jewish immigration into Palestine, disapproved of the mandate, and by 1936 their dissatisfaction had grown into open rebellion. Nearly a century later there is still not yet a good solution found to have Arabs, Palestinians and Jews and non-Jews living together in peace in one or two countries they could accept as their homeland.

Where our life journey begins and inheritance of offices of parents

"Our own life journeys begin where the previous generation's journey ends, and this is the case throughout all the generations. This means that our own personal journeys began long ago, "along the Jordan from Beit Yeshimot to Avel Shittim, in the plains of Moav," (ibid 33:49) Israel's final point of departure in the wilderness. Together [...]