Times of seclusion, restriction, liberation, connection, religious affiliation and conversion

In Corona time many people got time to think about which way to go with their faith. Now more people feel the need to go back to the shul after all the lockdowns.

One Passover tradition asking to provide the less fortunate with foods and help

One Passover tradition asks that if people can afford to, they provide those less fortunate with foods that are eaten during the holiday, like matzah, eggs, chicken or wine.

Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading

In ancient times on market days and the days people where free, they came together to listen to the reading of the Torah. Today any day could be used to come together to listen to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Written and oral material was brought from one generation into an other and formed the base for the construction of many communities or religious groups and denominations.