In times of flooding and other miseries

The summer of 2021 brought an enormous flood over Belgium and several other Western European countries. This weekend, the Torah brings a line of help as Tree of Life or Etz haChayim.

Thinking about the happiness by the Torah reading

When the Jew ceases to see beyond the black ink on parchment of the Torah scrolls, when the Jew no longer feels a living covenant and an eternal bond with the infinite; when the Jew finds only curious legends, quaint stories and archaic laws, and dissects the Torah as though it were the frozen cadaver [...]

Divine revelation mediated by Moshe and other selected people

To the world Words were given, notated by Moshe and his offspring, which are useful for us today, like they were useful in the past and shall be in the future; to to pay attention to, to listen to what Adonai the Most High Elohim says and to obey His mitzvot and laws, so that we shall be able to bear the right fruits and shall be able to live with the hope of His promises.

Moshe Rabbenu and Torat Moshe

Willing to communicate with mankind the Elohim giving them His Torah shot his arrows at mankind [y-r-h, "to shoot (an arrow),"] and gave them a first teacher or instructor of God's Laws, hence also often called Torat Moshe. Moshe not writing down a Fable or Fairy tale, but bringing a real life story of man or history of the peoples in an easy way to remember.

Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading

In ancient times on market days and the days people where free, they came together to listen to the reading of the Torah. Today any day could be used to come together to listen to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Written and oral material was brought from one generation into an other and formed the base for the construction of many communities or religious groups and denominations.

How to Read the Bible (sequel 2)

When going to read and trying to study the bible it is best to make a plan beforehand, with the knowledge that it is not so useful to just read the book in one go once in a lifetime. It is a library of 66 books which demands repetitive reading, not confusing or taking additional human notes as being part of God's Words.