A Secret of our Enemy :Inter-Ethnic Fault Lines Among the Jews (Full Article)

The broigus or the non-willingness to talk to the other-one or enemy, has created more non-understanding and ridiculous division instead of co-operation or acceptance of differences. Still today there is perhaps even more exclusion in Judaism and unnecessary isolation and exclusion, instead of getting to know each other more and working together as equals working [...]

Where our life journey begins and inheritance of offices of parents

"Our own life journeys begin where the previous generation's journey ends, and this is the case throughout all the generations. This means that our own personal journeys began long ago, "along the Jordan from Beit Yeshimot to Avel Shittim, in the plains of Moav," (ibid 33:49) Israel's final point of departure in the wilderness. Together [...]

How to Read the Bible (sequel 2)

When going to read and trying to study the bible it is best to make a plan beforehand, with the knowledge that it is not so useful to just read the book in one go once in a lifetime. It is a library of 66 books which demands repetitive reading, not confusing or taking additional human notes as being part of God's Words.