The story of Kayin and Hevel 2 – Jealousy and Kayin’s problem to handle

In the story of Kayin and Hevel we come to hear to what jealousy and envy can lead.

A healthy world to come

People would be surprised when they would come to be assured that it is possible to come to live in a truly healthy universe. That is possible when all human beings will realise that we all need one another.

Eykhah – How can it be?

For security reasons our country came into lockdown and after some easing measures it looked like we soon could come together. Yet by having again a rise in the infections we shall not be able to gather in one place and as such shall have to fulfil our worship duties at home in private. Let us remember that our liturgy is really about engaging God and therefore it is not bad to take some time to consider how you want to build up your service for God.

Thinking ahead before Rosh Hashanah

Elul, the month to reflect and to prepare oneself to perfect oneself plus preparing oneself to enter a new phase in facing the Elohim, coming closer into the Divine presence.

Back to back or Face to face

Time to come face to face with the King in the field.

A Tool to shed light over the qualities in our life 3 Menorah and 7 basic emotions

Rabbi Jeshua in many of his talks gave several examples of how we had to work at ourselves and how we should prepare ourselves to be ready and to be worthy to go through the small gate of the Kingdom of God. The characteristics we should work at to come closer in the image of God, may be presented by the lights of the menorah or seven armed candelabrum, which we can use as a handy tool for thinking about the seven basic emotions.