One Passover tradition asking to provide the less fortunate with foods and help

One Passover tradition asks that if people can afford to, they provide those less fortunate with foods that are eaten during the holiday, like matzah, eggs, chicken or wine.

Fog, brass and light for the eyes

After the wrong choice and action of the first human beings the elohim had no other choice than to bring over man the curse He had warned them for. But out of love for His creatures He also provided straight away a solution against the curse of death and gave man a second chance.

Sources of evil

About the origin or source of evil there are many discussions. In this article I look at the time where badness entered in the world of man and where we have to look for the source of evil or badness.

Created in the image of the Elohim to use their likeness properly

Created in the image of God man has 49 sefirot in him or a 49-step process of self-refinement, having received orders from his Maker Who expect to fit man in His holy Plan.