Jeshua committing his spirit in God’s Hands

Jesus knew that he got his life from Jehovah God and wanted to give it in His Hands, committing his spirit in the knowledge and trust that God would give him life again.

Our Responsibility in corona-times #1 Collective religious worship

Worship services in a limited form will again be possible from December the 13th, but we call for common sense and to avoid coming together with too many people out of your bubble. For Hanukkah everybody shall have to celebrate it in his own small bubble. Inviting others shall be not for the 2020 Winter festival or Winter holiday.

Eight days of sprinkling lights

Tonight the eight days of extra dedication to haElohim started with the commemoration of the victory of the few whose desire for freedom to practice their religion impelled them to battle against great odds and which we should take as an example not to be afraid to show our faith to others..

Tekufat Tevet – Darkness, gold moon and Light to look forward

This year we face an extra special solstice because it will be followed the next day by a full moon known as the Cold Moon, and you might be able to see a meteor shower to boot. For many the winter-holiday starting we think about the light in the darkness and having a nice family time.

Called Immanuel does not mean to be Jesus being God

Often Christians say the proof that Jesus is God is because he is called Immanuel. But if that would be so then we can find God still walking today in different places and sojourning in many families.