End of year special meals

Do you or your family make any special dishes for the holidays? Coming into December, for many, it is a month with special holidays. December is brimming with holidays and things to celebrate. I am thinking of Hanukkah 🕎, Sint Nicholas (saint Nicholas), Bodhi Day for the Buddhist friends, Festival of Yule, Christmas, Boxing Day, [...]

Jewish life requires action

° In Jewish life, actions transmit more than words. Lighting Hanukkah candles; blotting out Haman’s name; cleaning out the hametz; tashlikh; fasting; dancing with the Torah. Yes, all of those things come with a story. And there’s so much more background and history and ideas and textual sources that go along with the story. But [...]

Though darkened by Russian strikes lights of hope

In the north of Europe shelling brings a lot of darkness, but these days our brethren and sisters from Ukraine, with us are all united in the commemoration of another war won by the grace of the El' Elyon.

Lighting Chanukah Candles With Electric Bulbs

Is it possible to fulfil one’s obligation for Hanukah with electric light bulbs since it does not contain oil or a wick and is not reminiscent of the Menorah lighting in the Bet Hamikdash whatsoever.

Days of Chanukah- Days of Faith

This eight-day holiday, commemorating a miraculous win in a battle fought against a powerful enemy of the Jewish people, brings us several reasons to have a feast within the family. Eating is also part of sharing, enjoying the gifts the Hashem provides for us.

The Sages did not establish that we hold festive meals during Chanukah, for the holiday of Chanukah represents the oral Torah whose length and breadth are vast and can only be acquired through limiting one’s eating and drinking. But eating and drinking whilst talking about God’s miracles is also a way of expressing gratitude for everything the Hashem provides for us.


To remember:

  • On Chanukah > Jewish nation’s faith in oral Torah strengthened <=  they saw that Heaven agreed with the rulings of the Sages of the Talmud. > according to Torah law, non-Jews cannot defile oil; however would share the status of a Jew who has become impure who defiles oil immediately upon touching it.
  • According to the writer of the article: oral Torah whose length + breadth are vast => can only be acquired through limiting one’s eating and drinking.
  • Our Sages taught us in the Gemara in Tractate Shabbat (23a) that the mitzvah of the Chanukah candles is performed through the lighting of the candles and if the candles are extinguished, one is not obligated to rekindle them. This means that the main Mitzvah is through lighting Chanukah candles which will innately have the ability to burn for half an hour. Therefore, if the candles were extinguished due to a cause non-existent at the time the candles were lit, for instance, if the door or window were opened suddenly and a gust of wind blew out the flames, one is exempt from rekindling the flames. Even so, it is an extra special Mitzvah to relight any candle (without a blessing) that has been extinguished if it is still within a half hour of being lit. {Lighting the Chanukah Candles}
  • When lighting Chanukah candles, one should be certain to put in enough oil so that they will remain lit for at least half an hour from the initial lighting time. Similarly, if one is using wax candles, care should be taken that they should be long enough to burn for at least half an hour after the appropriate candle-lighting time which is when stars appear in the sky. There are some multi-colored candles on the market made especially for small Menorahs which do not last for half an hour; one should abstain from using such candles. On Friday afternoon when Chanukah candles are lit earlier than usual, more oil should be added, as will be explained, G-d-willing, in a following Halacha. {Lighting the Chanukah Candles}

Yeshua Centered Judaism

The Days of Chanukah- Days of Faith

As opposed to the other holidays and festivals which were already existent since Hashem gave the Torah to the Jewish nation, the holidays of Purim and Chanukah were brought about through two wicked men, Haman and Antiochus.

Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that Purim and Chanukah have resulted in tremendous things for the Jewish nation, for on Purim, the Jewish nation reaffirmed their commitment to the oral Torah lovingly. On Chanukah, the Jewish nation’s faith in the oral Torah was strengthened, for they saw that Heaven agreed with the rulings of the Sages of the Talmud. Indeed, according to Torah law, non-Jews cannot defile oil; however, our Sages decreed that a non-Jew would share the status of a Jew who has become impure who defiles oil immediately upon touching it. Thus, all of the impurity related to the oils in the Bet…

View original post 295 more words

Our Responsibility in corona-times #2 Opportunities for spirituality and reflection

In 2020 our wintertime “festival of lights,” shall have to be celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods in a very close circle at are own home, without invited people.

Tekufat Tevet – Darkness, gold moon and Light to look forward

This year we face an extra special solstice because it will be followed the next day by a full moon known as the Cold Moon, and you might be able to see a meteor shower to boot.
For many the winter-holiday starting we think about the light in the darkness and having a nice family time.

A beginning by the 2016 Chanukah celebrations

By the beginning of the 2016 festival of Chanukah presenting a new blog on the net. Looking at mankind and seeing so many religious groups I wonder what their relation might be to the worshipping of the real Creator or Maker of the universe.