Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading

In ancient times on market days and the days people where free, they came together to listen to the reading of the Torah. Today any day could be used to come together to listen to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Written and oral material was brought from one generation into an other and formed the base for the construction of many communities or religious groups and denominations.

How to Read the Bible (sequel 6) an after thought

When wanting to do a regular bible reading one or more good Bible translations in a strong binding are desired. When reading the Bible we have to allow God's Word to come to mould us so that we can grow in applying the meaning of Scripture to our lives. Discovering new insights shall make you so enthusiast you want to share this newly acquired knowledge with many people around you. That act of sharing shall play an important part in the Plan of God. In the Bible is namely indicated that when there shall be witnessed all over the world, in the name of Jehovah, than the end will come and peace shall come to all those who love the Most High Elohim HasHem Jehovah.