Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 4 Words giving us wisdom and encouragement

With the Holy Scriptures we are given words that should have us to come to reflect on our own life and that of others, learning from the lessons given in that library of books. In the various books which make the Bible you may find the words written down by men of God by whom Jehovah put forth His hand, gave them to see and understand, and put His words in their mouth, setting them over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down and to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.

When found the necessary books to read and how to read them

The Bible is not only the best sold book in the world, it is also the book which gives the best advice, but that is something man does not like to accept from Some One or Some Thing he cannot see or touch, though if man would be willing enough to hear and feel, he could feel the presence of the Most High and feel His Guidance. Until today lots of people have been rebellious against God and it is that rebellion which made it so difficult for mankind. When more people would follow the teachings of the Holy Scriptures we would have a much better world.