In a time when we must remain in our place

Time of distress should never be an excuse to not follow the mitzvah of our God. As such now in a time of lockdown, being isolated we should still have a Memorial Meal.

Can you imagine how in the days of our fathers in Egypt, through the plagues, the social system was so disrupted, many wondered what to do and what would come next.

Many centuries after the exodus from Egypt the Nazarene master teacher Jeshua told a Samaritan woman that there would come a time when those named after God His Name would worship that God in Spirit and in Truth.

“ Yeshua tells her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.
But an hour is coming—it is here now—when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people as His worshipers.
God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.””
(John 4:21–24 TLV)

Jeshua or Jesus was firm in his declaration of the issues involved. The Samaritan religion, like so many so-called Christian religious groups, was confused and in error. Also today it seems many do prefer to have a picture of their god and to have some god who is touchable and can be seen, like Jesus was seen by many.

Today many people can be found to be like those Samaritans who worshipped what they did not know. They were not the vehicle for the salvation of mankind. Israel was the nation chosen by God to have great privileges.

“who are Israelites. To them belong the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Torah and the Temple service and the promises.
To them belong the patriarchs—and from them, according to the flesh, the Messiah, who is over all, God, blessed forever. Amen.”
(Romans 9:4–5 TLV)

When Jesus said, “Salvation is from the Jews”, he did not mean that all Jews were saved or were especially pious. “Salvation is from the Jews” in the sense that it is available coming along the tribe of Jews, through the Jew Jeshua (Jesus Christ), who was born of the seed of Abraham.

Am Yisra’el or the people of Israel as God’s chosen nation are the adoption as sons (cf. Ex. 4:22), the divine glory (cf. Ex. 16:10; 24:17; 40:34; 1 Kings 8:11), the covenants (Gen. 15:18; 2 Sam. 7:12-16; Jer. 31:31-34), the receiving of the Law (Deut. 5:1-22), the temple worship (λατρεία, “sacred service,” which may also include service in the tabernacle), and the promises (esp. of the coming Messiah).

People should also always remember that the Israelites are in the line of promise from its beginning in the patriarchs (cf. Matt. 1:1-16; Rom. 1:3) to its fulfilment in the Messiah, which means that by the authorised sent one from God, by the Grace of God accepting Jeshua his sacrificial offering as a ransom, God is over all.

Jeshua no only came into the upper room to remember the liberation over slavery in Egypt. Now he wanted to give notice to his pupil that the moment had come that Jehovah would bring an exit to the world of death, to all who wanted to come under the ransom offering of him who was going to give his life for all.

Like the People of God in ancient times came together to remember the night God liberated His people, we should do that as well. Though, now we have some additional liberation to remember. The liberation of the curse of death. By the ransom, Jeshua paid, we are freed from the chains of death.

As Jesus asked his disciples to remember that night when he took bread and wine, we too as followers of Christ should do likewise.

Until now we could still choose to celebrate in the nations or in the land of Israel, but today we are tied to our local territory.

In our houses…

“ Go, my people, enter your rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide for a little while, until the wrath is past.”
(Isaiah 26:20 TLV)

Yes, it might be very strange. We are not in similar times as our great grandparents, grandparents and parents, when they had to hide for the Nazis. This time it is an unseen enemy who has brought fear and death over believers as well as non-believers, religious as well as non-religious people.

Jeshayahu (Isaiah) prophesied that the future remnant should hide during the time of distress (God’s wrath in the Tribulation), knowing that deliverance from the Divine Creator will come. These words would have encouraged the remnant in Isaiah’s day to remain true to the Most High, knowing that He will eventually judge sin, but always be with them, protecting them.

Scriptures assure us that the Elohim watches over the earth, providing it with the things it needs, day and night.

“I, ADONAI, watch over it, I water it every moment. I guard it day and night, so that no one may harm it.”
(Isaiah 27:3 TLV)

Jesus when travelling in the land with his chosen disciples always talked about the ways his heavenly Father guided His people and how God wanted all people to come to his heavenly Father.  He taught his men that his death would mean the beginning of a New Covenant. The symbolism about the bread and the fruit of the vine was given to show that his body and blood were necessary to institute the New Covenant.
Jeshua’s final teaching about the kingdom occurred at this final feast. Throughout the Book of Luke feasting has symbolic value. Jeshua (Jesus) and his disciples, now called apostles (cf. 6:13; 9:10; 17:5; 24:10), were reclined at the table in an upper room in Jerusalem.

Because Jehovah, as well as Jeshua, asked to remember those two events which took part before a “Passover” took place, we should take those nights in remembrance.

“ And when He had taken matzah and offered the bracha, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body, given for you. Do this in memory of Me.””
(Luke 22:19 TLV)

Therefore, this coming Wednesday, like other years we shall have to come at the table to remember. This time it shall not be with many others, but just with the closest family. It can well be certain children shall not be able to be present at this important Memorial Meal.

Symbolically we could say that we have to

go into our inner chambers, and close our doors after us; to hide for a little while until the wrath passes.

Abba Jehovah knew that there will come a time when we must remain in our place and He has provided that we can worship Him in Spirit and in Truth through the Spirit of Holiness that was poured out at the time.

That moment is, as it were, a test.

Let us now listen to Him and to His only begotten son, but also to the ones who received the gifts from God to take care of the safety of all people, the healthcare workers, scientists, laborants, people in charge who demand measures to be followed, like not travelling far from home, not gathering with others than close family which is normally at the same place, keeping social distancing.

Let us not forget to give Ceasar what Caesar demands, and keep to the general precaution rules to safeguard everyone in this time of CoViD-19.

“ Then Yeshua said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were completely amazed at Him.”
(Mark 12:17 TLV)

To follow the command to not forget the act of salvation, before the Exodus of Egypt, and to remember the installation of the New Covenant, we still can have our Memorial Meal on 14 Nisan.

Even when we have to stay at home we can be able to contact others throughout the night by the modern internet applications.

Let us not create any excuse to have no 14 Nisan celebration, but make this year a special intimate remembrance day of this particular holy or set-apart day.

Let us be careful how we walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of our time, even when  the days may be evil. Let us use this limitation as a good moment to stay at home to meditate and to praise God, whilst we with those who can, or maybe around us, to make the best of the Passover seder, contemplating and praying to our Most High.


Please read: Hosting a Virtual Seder During a Pandemic


Even in Corona time You are called on to have the seder

One Passover tradition asking to provide the less fortunate with foods and help


Additional reading

  1. Making deeper cuts than some terrorist attacks of the near past
  2. CoViD-19 warnings
  3. Under-reporting the total number of coronavirus cases
  4. Coronavirus on March 11 declared a global pandemic on March 31 affecting more than 177 countries
  5. Europe in Chaos for a Pandemic
  6. Recrafting our World
  7. Love in the Time of Corona
  8. First month of the year and predictions
  9. Happy First Day of Spring: Spring Cleaning!
  10. This day shall be unto you for a memorial and you shall keep it a feast to the Most High God
  11. Seven Bible Feasts of JHWH
  12. Beginning of weeks for the Feasts of deliverance
  13. Yom Hey, Eve of Passover and liberation of many people
  14. Days of Nisan, Pesach, Pasach, Pascha and Easter
  15. On the first day for matzah
  16. A meal as a mitzvah so that every generation would remember
  17. Shabbat Pesach service reading 1/2
  18. A night different from all other nights and days to remember
  19. Zeman Chereisenu – the time of our freedom
  20. Let’s Think About Redemption Differently
  21. After darkness a moment of life renewal
  22. Your Future
  23. 9 Adar and bickering or loving followers of the Torah preparing for Pesach
  24. Making sure we express kedusha for 14-16 Nisan
  25. Able to celebrate the Passover in all of its prophetic fulfilment
  26. The Most special weekend of the year 2018
  27. Soon it shall be Erev Pesach and Passover 2019
  28. A great evening and special days to look forward in 2019
  29. No idea yet for 14 Nisan or April the 8th in 2020 Corona crisis time
  30. Only a few days left before 14 Nisan
  31. First time since Nazi time no public gathering
  32. A night different from all other nights and days to remember
  33. Torah Portion – Pesach B
  34. Anxiety Management During Pandemic Days~
  35. Mel Brooks saying “go home” to Max Brooks



  1. State Welfare and the Egyptian Pursuit
    The COVID-19 pandemic currently sweeping across the world is occurring during the time of the year that we celebrate Passover.
    + As COVID-19 spreads its way across the world it is decimating countries in its wake. Health care systems are under huge strain, thousands are losing their lives, economic activity is at a standstill.
    Just as Egypt was decimated by the ten plagues so is our secular state today by COVID-19. The secular state has lost its strength.
  2. Passover amid COVID-19
    None of us planning to celebrate this feast can deny the fact that it will be one with a difference. For all of my more than four decades on earth, except for my baby days, I’ve missed partaking in the Feast, only once, during my mandatory Youth Service Corp Programme, in Jigawa State more than a decade ago. In all the years of marking this feast, I anticipate that this year’s celebration will be extraordinarily peculiar, and interestingly, eerily similar to what was the first of its kind. This is because the conditions under which we are about to celebrate this feast, mirrors that of the Hebrews in Goshen, in the land of Egypt.
  3. Exodus 20:18-21 Those who fear God will rise above all calamities to bring others to Him
    Upon receiving the ten commandments and seeing the thunder and lightning flashes, the people became terrified. They fled from the base of the mountain and stood at a distance. This contrasted with their initial responses when they eagerly said, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do!” (see Exodus 19:8). At Moses’s initial meeting with the Lord, some even tried to break through to come up to the Lord (see Exodus 19:24).
    + The fear of God encompasses more than simple fear; it is the convergence of awe, adoration, honour, reverence, worship, confidence, thankfulness, love and fear towards God. But, it also means fear of God’s judgment because we understand what it means to disobey His word and be judged by God. That said, the fear of God does not cause us to despair; rather it is coupled with trust and love. Indeed, there is divine love and forgiveness in the fear of God. And forgiveness promotes the fear of God.
    + In the year 2020, the world was struck by a virus pandemic that adversely affected every human being. The crisis threw the global economy into recession, stock markets plummeted and thousands died. Nations and cities were locked down, and there was much fear among the people. Churches, restaurants, cinemas, sports halls and even schools were shut to contain the virus. However, the way people live amid the pandemic reveals their faith. It shows the posture of their hearts and the degree they fear God. Those who fear God become stronger. They go about living life and serving others while taking proper precautions. They continue to make home and hospital visits to minister to those who needed help. Yet, there are those whose caution is taken to excess. The hoard food, masks, sanitisers and toilet paper. They lock themselves in their homes and wonder why they have begun talking to their plants. Beneath their over the top caution and diligence lies an uncontrollable fear.
  4. God Leads Us With Wisdom & Love
    Though we might not always know why we went the way we did or why he has us on the road we’re on, we can know for certain that God always leads us with purpose and love.
  5. homeless in the desert 
    Imagine being in the desert with only a tent, sometimes hungry, sometimes thirsty. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Yes, they had been promised, promised land, life.
    But they couldn’t see it, touch it, feel it – they could only imagine…
  6. ‘Zoom Passover Seder’ rabbis hit back at critics
    The Orthodox rabbis who said families that have been split up by the coronavirus may use a video-conferencing program to connect for the Passover Seder have hit back at their critics, accusing them of ignorance and a lack of courage.
    + Several prominent rabbinical figures criticized the ruling, but there has been no substantive argument against it, those who issued it told The Jerusalem Post. Their decision was far less controversial than a commonly used leniency that allows Jews to sell leavened products to non-Jews over Passover, they said.
  7. a community-wide virtual Passover Seder that will be broadcast live at 6 p.m. Wednesday via Zoom.
    Rabbi Frank Muller said the temple broadcast its first virtual service on March 27, which will continue for the foreseeable future because of the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent stay-at-home order issued by Gov. Mike DeWine.
    “We have always come together for a Passover Seder at the temple but because of the coronavirus outbreak we will not be able to do it the way we usually do each year here. This will be the first time in 150 years we will be doing it this way,” he said.
    Muller said families are being asked to prepare their own food for the Seder meal at home or they can order a Passover dinner from Inspired Catering by Kravitz Deli in Liberty.
    “They can watch all the Seder rituals online while enjoying the Passover meal at their home. They will be able to participate virtually from their homes where they can read a prayer and speak and everyone can hear them. We will be together in a different way this year. This is our way to be safe while wanting to make this meaningful,” he said.
  8. The Ties That Bind: Lessons From Passover
    Like America, many countries celebrate an independence day, looking to some point in their history when they threw off an oppressor. They remember liberators like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, Simón Bolívar, Mohandas Gandhi, and Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.
    Of all these celebrations of freedom, Passover is by far the most ancient. The readings, the songs, and the foods eaten at Seder (a ceremonial meal during Passover), all stress the sweetness of liberty and the cost of that liberty. Those who celebrate Passover remember not only the escape from Egyptian bondage but also the time of wandering in the desert, the decades spent in search of a resting place and a homeland. Recollecting the ordeal of those long-ago ancestors reminds the Jewish people that freedom comes with responsibilities and sacrifice.
  9. Drive Them Out
    As we live in very uncertain times right now, many of us have extra time on our hands. Let us take this time to reflect on our lives. May the psalmist’s desire be our desire when he said in Psalm 139:23-24, “[23] Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: [24] And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
  10. April 4 – Jesse Tree – Passover
    Think how annoying it would be to have gnats, flies, and locusts all over everything. They experienced painful skin problems and their livestock had diseases. There was hail like you have never seen and even darkness like you have never experienced. In spite of these plagues, Pharaoh, in the end, refused to allow God’s people to go.
    + The final plague. The one that finally convinced Pharaoh. The Israelites were to kill a lamb that was perfect. God instructed them to place blood from that lamb on the sides and top of their doorframes. In the night, he passed over the homes. Wherever the blood had been applied people lived. In those homes where no lamb had been sacrificed and no blood had been applied, the first-born died. At that, Pharaoh allowed God’s people to go.
    This Old Testament “Passover” was a picture pointing to Jesus and His future sacrifice. Like the lamb, He was perfect. His blood was shed on the cross. All who accept His sacrifice for themselves experience eternal life. Those who don’t experience punishment.
  11. Homeward bound
    I hope, with this homecoming, that people will realise just what they lost, and what can now be regained again. I hope they are able to realise again the true value of the connection with their own lands, and find peaceful and meaningful lives around their own hearths again.
  12. Shelter in Place
    to shelter in place requires obedience and discipline. + provides an opportunity for worship in the home. When the families gathered at that time to make preparation, they did so in reverence and worship to God. Worship requires trust in the Word of God to follow His commands and proclamation of salvation by the covering of His blood over our souls through His only Son, our Lamb, Christ Jesus our Lord. Families celebrated it as a feast unto the Lord and would remember from that time forth How God saved them. As you shelter in place, take this time to pray unto God for His mercies, protection, and for others. Pray for their health, provisions, and salvation.
  13. Signs and Wonders
    God’s goodness to never give up on His people, to guide and correct us when necessary carries over into the beautiful 23rd psalm. He is our Great Shepherd with His own staff and rod, not out of sadistic pleasure but out of His love for us.
    + God’s staff of righteousness is the perimeter by which we live our lives. Boundaries are for safety yet we must trust in our Father’s wisdom, operating within His commands. The Israelites didn’t demonstrate faith in Egypt until they were shown God’s signs and wonders.
  14. It Shall Be…Holy
    Do not make the fact you are not holy an excuse why you don’t give your life to the Lord. This ought to challenge us to want to live holy. God has put so much thought and detail in our lives that He has great things in store for us if we live for Him.
  15. Palm Sunday and Passover
    Passover this year is April 8-16, which coincides with the Christian celebration of Palm Sunday and Easter.
  16. Don’t Panic, Pt. 5: Philosophy Corner
    Everything feels like it’s falling to pieces right now, but like the Tower card, it depends on how you interpret it. Like in Groundhog Day, you can choose what to do in an impossible and insane situation (while gently forgiving yourself for your imperfect cultivation).
    + Passover is next week and we’ll tell the story as we do every year. After surviving plagues, the newly freed Israelites will receive some new life instructions and will do their best to become better people.
  17. 12 Amazing Similarities Between Jesus and the Passover Lamb
    Passover begins this year on April 8th, at sundown. What many do not know is that Passover illustrates the sacrifice of The Passover Lamb–the crucifixion of Jesus.
  18. April Holidays at Home
    The key, we feel, is to strike that balance between maintaining some of your favorite family traditions, while also introducing some fun new celebrations into the mix.

15 thoughts on “In a time when we must remain in our place

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